This branch is a development release based on Voyage linux which was derived form pebble linux and it is based on Debian Sarge linux 0.1.2 and 0.1.3 releases are based on the voyage-0.1 series. 0.1.5-ozonet is based on the voyage-0.1.sarge series. 0.2.pre1-ozonet.tar.bz2 is based on voyage-0.2.pre1 series. ozonet-0.2.2.tar.bz2 is based on voyage-0.2.pre1 series. From version 0.2.pre1-ozonet dual boot option is offered for latest stable linux kernels: 2.4 & 2.6. The default boot kernel is 2.4.31. You can change this by changing the link of /vmlinuz and then issuing a lilo command. This work is developed on a wrap hardware but it should also work on similar hardware such as soekris Check the CHANGELOG file for new additions Enjoy, --alex